Browsing: Worship Guitarist

I have always paid a good deal of attention to every aspect of my tone, from the strings on my guitar to the tubes in my amp. The one thing I never really paid much attention to was the picks I was using. YES they make a big deal and besides your fingers themselves, this…

The source of the content in this article is Jeffrey Kunde's personal blog. Head over and check out his blog for more detailed information about his setup. He also has a lot of other great articles for worship guitarists as well! Without further ado here is a video of his rig setup as well as…

Compression is often a love hate relationship. Many guitarist's find themselves asking the question, "How do you compress your signal without squashing all of your tone?" Well the JHS Pulp N' Peel Compressor is the answer to all of your compression whoas. I use this compressor exclusively on my board because of 2 reasons: Built…

Since the rebirth of its predecessor, the Mesa Boogie Express, the Express Plus has acted as a diamond in the rough. I shouldn’t say it was love at first sight, given the front panel’s 15 knobs, 5-band EQ, and a host of intimidating switches, but nonetheless, I knew the Plus was an immense wiring improvement…

There are a ton of resources out there for guitarists - videos, tutorials, reviews, interviews and more. However there is not a resource that is focused on the worship guitarist. In the coming months we will be launching a website that will do just that. We are shooting for a launch date in early June…